Stacked Intent

I’ll Just Do It Later: How this doesn’t help stay organized

June 06, 2024 Becca Stackhouse-Morson Season 6 Episode 1
I’ll Just Do It Later: How this doesn’t help stay organized
Stacked Intent
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Stacked Intent
I’ll Just Do It Later: How this doesn’t help stay organized
Jun 06, 2024 Season 6 Episode 1
Becca Stackhouse-Morson

·      How an organized house, helps in your day to day!

·      How an organized car, helps in your day to day!

·      How doing it now helps to keep organization in check for keeping you organized. 

Call to action: This information and podcast is here to challenge you to start with one drawer or space and get clutter free.  

Thank you for tuning into Stacked Intent to be authentically YOU! Be sure to leave a review and follow us on instagram.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

·      How an organized house, helps in your day to day!

·      How an organized car, helps in your day to day!

·      How doing it now helps to keep organization in check for keeping you organized. 

Call to action: This information and podcast is here to challenge you to start with one drawer or space and get clutter free.  

Thank you for tuning into Stacked Intent to be authentically YOU! Be sure to leave a review and follow us on instagram.

 Introduction “Today we are going to talk about how I’ll just do it later doesn’t help you stay organized at all.”

Brief Summary of objectives (3):

  • How an organized house, helps in your day to day!
  • How an organized car, helps in your day to day!
  •  How doing it now helps to keep organization in check for keeping you organized. 

Topic 1: The organization of a house! 

  • Getting organized and staying organized truly starts with the assessment of the things that are in your home, getting rid of things that create clutter, and creating a system that helps everyone in the house put in place that helps things stay well kept. 
    • If you are just getting started with household organization then I recommend you only take on each space one by one. This might look like getting your kitchen organized one day then the living room space, then the bedrooms, and so on after that going through each space at a time. 
    •  If you are thinking of starting in your closet – turn all your hangers backwards and a year, later go back and see what is still backwards. This will help you truly understand in a year what you have actually worn and love in your closet and not just what you think you might have worn. I did this when my husband and I moved and I was surprised by the end of the year I only had about three pieces that did not get worn in that year, but I was able to decide that I was not ready to let them go. This method helps you to clear out your closet, your partners closet, or kids by knowing what had the opportunity to be worn throughout the year. 
    • The other trick to the closet is when you try something on and it doesn’t fit at all then go ahead and drop it in the donation box you have sitting right there for clothes that do not fit as you want them to. This will help give you a better understanding of the pieces in your closet you have and want to wear. 
    •  Personally, I prefer to limit the surfaces that are available throughout the house because it helps develop the practice of placing items back into their home every single time and doesn’t allow for clutter spaces. 
  •   What does your kitchen look like? Are your counters overwhelming to you? 
    • If the kitchen has a workspace, then make sure you to keep your spaces tidy and neat.
    • Plates, cups, and bowls get all tucked away in a cabinet, this will help the counter tops appear clean. 
    •  Where do you keep your dish towels? Be sure to keep a dedicated spot in your kitchen for a dish towel. I know there are some awesome hangers that can hang over the cabinet. 
    • Minimize the appliances on your countertop. Personally, we have our air fryer and bread maker on the countertop more due to cabinet storage over those being what we use more often. What appliances do you use? If you have the storage space, my recommendation is to definitely give each appliance a space and give them a home. This means you will always make sure the appliances are clean and ready to put them away. 
    • Within the pantry, refrigerator, and freezer is where it’s important to make sure you are aware of what’s in your spaces. 
    • Be sure that you are regularly taking everything out of your pantry, refrigerator, and freezer to throw out old and expired foods.  To help with this concept, create a first in first out routine for your foods in your house. This idea helps you to make sure you aren’t creating food waste in your spaces. 
    • Be sure to deep clean regularly   
    • Do a quick kitchen reset every single night! 
  • What about your living and family room spaces?  
    • Clear out clutter and remove anything that doesn’t have a specific spot —you can do this by sorting through into keep, donate, and toss piles. If you are going to keep something, make sure that you have a space in your home for it. 
    • Do you have magazines that are sitting there just collecting dust? Then make sure to throw away or donate ones that are piling up. 
    • Keep what is on surfaces to a minimum and minimize the throw pillows you have in a space. 
    • Blankets are another one that you just want to make sure they have a good space to store. 
  • What is happening in your bedroom? In reality, there is a lot that happens in our bedroom spaces, but did you know that the clutter of this spaces can totally affect our sleep, so keeping the clutter to a minimum is helpful and important. 
    • Only keep favorite items on your bedside tables. (On our bedside tables we have spaces for our water bottles, books for the nighttime disconnect, conversational cards to help us connect at night— we read and answer around 5 of the “Let’s Get Deep” conversational cards that gives us icebreakers, deep, and deeper questions. We love these and they have become one of our favorite wedding gifts over the last few years. And we also have our diffuser/humidifier to add in essential oils).  
    • Put away clothes and do not leave anything piled on the bed.
    • Try and wake up to make up the bed to create a fresh start for your night and to tidy up the spaces each morning. 
  • The bathroom is another one of those places to make sure you keep the spaces clean and ready for you to be in a clutter free space. This can happen by creating a towel space, giving drawers or cabinets spaces for products, and cleaning the bathroom regularly. If you aren’t using something and it has expired, then be sure you have tossed the product. 
  • Do you work from home or are you self-employed? Then this one is a big one for you, because the less clutter in this space helps you to stay focused and do your best work in a clean and productive space. The best way to stay clutter and mess free is to be meticulous about the home everything has within your space. Do a reset at the end of the work day so you are ready for the next day. 
  • Personally, overall, I do not believe in junk drawers or closets. This creates disorganization and you will never go through those spaces anyways. I propose that you give everything a home and if it doesn’t have a home then see if this is a keep, toss, or donate item. This helps you know where everything is and gives everything a space within your home so you do not have cluttered spaces.
  • Create a reset every evening to make sure you go to bed with a clean kitchen, living spaces and each area is ready to start your next day. 

Topic 2: The organization of a car!

  • Start by picking a weekend morning or afternoon that you are going to declutter by removing everything that is in your car that doesn’t need to be there and getting it ready to give it a good carwash and vacuum. 
  •  Use your glove box to keep your car’s registration, insurance, and owner’s manual for a quick find. 
  • Keeping your car trunk or back organized is a helpful aspect. You might want to consider a cargo net to help place these items in or soft zipper storage bags or even a backseat organizer to help with these items not going flying all around your car. 
  • Do you have a little one in the car? It might help to make sure you have a soft-sided caddy that holds all the necessities for your children on day to day riding and you might have another for long trips. This might have toys, diapers, extra clothes, blankets and such to give you all those just in case items that live in your car. 
  • Do you want your car to be a gross pit? I thought not, well one way to help with this is to have a designated trash bin in your car. This can be one that is accessible to everyone. Get everyone involved in making sure that the takeout gets thrown away once you are exiting the car.  
  • Going on a trip soon? Get some shower caddies for the car meals to help create a space for handing food out easier. 
  • Clean your car on a regular schedule whether that is weekly, bi-weekly or monthly is up to you and if you have kids then get the kid’s car seats cleaned regularly too. Always clean your car along the way as you grab a coffee then take the trash with you as you exit the car. 

Topic 3: The habit of doing it now and not waiting until later.

  • The whole point to creating the organization in your car and home is to be able to give things a place to go and always be able to have a quick clean up. 
  • I have to say that for me if I am working on a task I get distracted by things left undone and not put in their proper place and it will bother me until it is done. This is a habit I have created over the years that is truly helpful and limits my distractions. But I can say you that you should pick the aspects that are important to you to address because I have found over the years that laundry  being in a pile clean doesn’t bother me like having the kitchen counters cluttered.  

Call to action: This information and podcast is here to challenge you to start with one drawer or space and get clutter free.  

Topic 1: The organization of a house!
Topic 2: The organization of a car!
Topic 3: The habit of doing it now and not waiting until later
Call to action