Stacked Intent

Integrating Happiness into Intentional Living without Losing Yourself

February 01, 2024 Becca Stackhouse-Morson Season 5 Episode 1
Integrating Happiness into Intentional Living without Losing Yourself
Stacked Intent
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Stacked Intent
Integrating Happiness into Intentional Living without Losing Yourself
Feb 01, 2024 Season 5 Episode 1
Becca Stackhouse-Morson
  • Brief Summary of objectives (3):
    • How research supports the idea of intentional living contributing significant to the long-term happiness and well-being. 
    • How self-care is an important aspect of intentional living to integrating happiness into your day-to-day life. 
    • There are a few tips to keeping intentional living with happiness at the for front of integration into your day. 

Call to action: Pick one of the tips from today on integration of happiness into your day-to-day and practices it daily through February to practice loving yourself. Doing this through a gratitude journal, fostering genuine connections, time blocking your time, or creating a detailed shopping list. 

Thank you for tuning into Stacked Intent to be authentically YOU! Be sure to leave a review and follow us on instagram.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers
  • Brief Summary of objectives (3):
    • How research supports the idea of intentional living contributing significant to the long-term happiness and well-being. 
    • How self-care is an important aspect of intentional living to integrating happiness into your day-to-day life. 
    • There are a few tips to keeping intentional living with happiness at the for front of integration into your day. 

Call to action: Pick one of the tips from today on integration of happiness into your day-to-day and practices it daily through February to practice loving yourself. Doing this through a gratitude journal, fostering genuine connections, time blocking your time, or creating a detailed shopping list. 

Thank you for tuning into Stacked Intent to be authentically YOU! Be sure to leave a review and follow us on instagram.

Integrating Happiness into Intentional Living without Losing Yourself 

Brief Summary of objectives (3):

  • How research supports the idea of intentional living contributing significant to the long-term happiness and well-being. 
  • How self-care is an important aspect of intentional living to integrating happiness into your day-to-day life. 
  • There are a few tips to keeping intentional living with happiness at the for front of integration into your day. 


"The Happiness Project" by Gretchen Rubin and "The Happiness Advantage" by Shawn Achor are excellent book choices that complement the philosophy of Stacked Intent . Both books emphasize the importance of authenticity, self-awareness, and intentional living in the pursuit of happiness. 


"The Happiness Project" is a bestselling book by Gretchen Rubin where she shares her year-long experiment to increase her happiness. Throughout the book, Rubin explores various strategies and tactics to improve different areas of her life, ranging from relationships and work to health and leisure and it’s broken into monthly chapters.

Topic 1: Intentional Living to Integrate Happiness

  • Research supports the idea that intentional living can significantly contribute to long-term happiness and well-being. Studies in positive psychology have consistently shown that aligning our actions with our values and aspirations is crucial for cultivating a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction in life. The "lever of possibility" is a concept introduced by Shawn Achor in his book "The Happiness Advantage." It represents the idea that our mindset and beliefs about what is possible significantly impact our ability to achieve success and happiness.
  • Let’s emphasize the importance of setting clear goals and making deliberate choices to improve various aspects of life. By acknowledging and appreciating the positive aspects of our lives, we can cultivate a more optimistic outlook and experience greater levels of contentment — This principle lies at the heart of what we strive for through Stacked Intent.
  • Being intentional about what you want for yourself is our focus through Stacked Intent and it involves setting clear goals and taking deliberate actions to achieve them. It means identifying what brings you joy and fulfillment, and then actively pursuing those things rather than waiting for happiness to passively come to you. As we get deeper into intentional living this year, let's also focus on happiness in various aspects of life. Whether it's nurturing relationships we have with ourselves, our finances, our nutrition or with others we can be authentic and mindful. Intentional living isn't about conforming to external standards of success; it's about aligning our actions with our genuine desires and values.

Topic 2: Self-Care that Integrates Happiness 

Gratitude Practice: Cultivating a habit of gratitude has been shown to increase happiness and overall life satisfaction.

Social Connections: Building and nurturing meaningful social connections is crucial for happiness. Research consistently demonstrates the positive impact of social support on mental and emotional health.

Time in Nature: Spending time in nature has been associated with numerous psychological benefits, including increased happiness and well-being.

Healthy Nutrition: A balanced and nutritious diet plays a significant role in overall well-being, including happiness. Research indicates that consuming a healthy eating rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins is associated with better mental health outcomes and greater happiness.  

Topic 3: Integration of Happiness into Day-to-Day

Create a gratitude journal by designating a specific journal or notebook as your gratitude journal. Keep it in a visible and accessible place. Dedicate a few minutes to reflect on what you're grateful for and jot down three to five things you appreciate or feel thankful for in your life.

Engage in activities that foster genuine connections and create meaningful memories together with family and friends. Studies show that maintaining strong social connections is associated with increased happiness and a lower risk of mental health issues. Positive social interactions release oxytocin, a hormone that promotes bonding and reduces stress.

Block out specific times in your calendar for outdoor activities such as hiking, picnics, or nature walks and treat these outdoor excursions as non-negotiable appointments with yourself, prioritizing them just like any other important commitment.

Create a detailed shopping list based on a meal plan to help you make healthier choices and stick to your nutritional goals. Research published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics suggests that individuals who use a grocery list tend to purchase healthier foods and have better diet quality compared to those who shop without a list. Be sure to set aside time each week for meal prep to batch cook and prepare ingredients in advance.


Remember, happiness is not about conforming to external expectations or sacrificing your true self. Explore the lever of possibility by staying mindful, embracing authenticity, and utilizing available resources, you can navigate your path to happiness while remaining authentically you. Take advantage of the resources offered by Stacked Intent to support you on this journey.


Call to action: Pick one of the tips from today on integration of happiness into your day-to-day and practices it daily through February to practice loving yourself. Doing this through a gratitude journal, fostering genuine connections, time blocking your time, or creating a detailed shopping list. 



Topic 1: Intentional Living to Integrate Happiness
Topic 2: Self-Care that Integrates Happiness
Topic 3: Integration of Happiness into Day-to-Day