Stacked Intent

Why Choose to Be Single?

December 07, 2023 Becca Stackhouse-Morson Season 4 Episode 11
Why Choose to Be Single?
Stacked Intent
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Stacked Intent
Why Choose to Be Single?
Dec 07, 2023 Season 4 Episode 11
Becca Stackhouse-Morson

Brief Summary of objectives (3):

  • Let’s chat about some of the reason that singleness happens and the benefits to being single. 
  • Being single is the prime time really understand you through your needs and wants for what makes you the best variation of you. 
  • Get ready to be a partner to the next person in your life. 

Often single individuals are seen as unsuccessful, and those in committed relationships are seen as successful. Today, let's dive into why this is untrue and how being single can help your life to thrive. 

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Brief Summary of objectives (3):

  • Let’s chat about some of the reason that singleness happens and the benefits to being single. 
  • Being single is the prime time really understand you through your needs and wants for what makes you the best variation of you. 
  • Get ready to be a partner to the next person in your life. 

Often single individuals are seen as unsuccessful, and those in committed relationships are seen as successful. Today, let's dive into why this is untrue and how being single can help your life to thrive. 

Thank you for tuning into Stacked Intent to be authentically YOU! Be sure to leave a review and follow us on instagram.

Brief Summary of objectives (3):

Let’s chat about some of the reason that singleness happens and the benefits to being single. 

  • Being single is the prime time really understand you through your needs and wants for what makes you the best variation of you. 
  • Get ready to be a partner to the next person in your life. 
  • Often single individuals are seen as unsuccessful, and those in committed relationships are seen as successful. Today, let's dive into why this is untrue and how being single can help your life to thrive. 

Topic 1: Singleness facts 

Did you know that about 1/3 of adults are single? Some of these individuals are single by choose and others it is involuntarily. Our social norms and stereotypes contribute to “something must be wrong with them” if you are single rather than supporting a person loving themselves to live life to its fullest. 

  • The statics vary by age group, but a study showed that nearly half of young adults 18-29 identified as being single and about 20% ages 30-49 are single. These numbers support that singlehood is pretty common. 

Research shows that when individuals choose to be single, they have a higher level of positive in the mental health and a lower level of mental health illness compared to their counterparts who are not single by their own choosing. There are loads of reason people choose to stay or be single, but when it is a choose, they make to learn about themselves it shows that they are overall in a better place mentally in their lives. 

There is more time and energy that someone who is single might have.

Individuals vary as how successful they are and thrive in singleness verses some who thrive within a relationship. 

There is a freedom that comes along with singlehood, because you can live and strive for improvement without an interdependent of a partner. 

Benefits to being single:

  • They are in control of their time to use it in the way they want to. It gives the flexibility to use and purse your time as you wish within interest. 
  • Can focus on personal growth, career goals that are enhanced and streamlined, because you don’t have to consider others within your decision to pick up and move.  
  • You are only in charge of you, this can let you binge on a new series, order take-out, work until midnight, or really in your immediate day to day not have to consider how it affects others. 
  • There isn’t getting hurt through a breakup. Though there are still plenty of ways to get hurt as a single person. 
  • Resource can be used how you choose as you are single from time, energy, and finances. You are free to spend them as you see fit. 
  • You are in control of your social calendar and time. You can decide if you want to go to the annual picnic or hang out with a group of friends. 
  • When it comes to mealtime you have the freedom to eat in your pattern if that is indulging or eating balanced. 
  • Gives you the opportunity to build deeper friendships. Because you are single and can meet with whomever, wherever, and whenever you want without having to consider a partner. This gives you the ability to focus your attention to those close to your heart and with whom you are comfortable with. Because these friendships become an integral part of a single life compared to those in relationship, because this is their system during a tough time. 

Flexibility to travel with new experiences. 

There are disadvantages to being single, that might mean some lonely times. 

Living independently can come with its challenges, but it is rewarding. Because this provided you with the opportunity to really figure out how you like things on your own and learning to live with the responsibility of all the needs in a household. The beauty of learning to be single and happy of the independent, as you become confident and mature in who you are as an individual. 

According to research it has shown that single people live much more integrated lives with their community and people in their life to have an extensive support system. Which in my personal thought you need a community even when you are in a partnership for a thriving life. 

While there are many elements to being single the social connections one has built in their community can help to combat some of the sadness, loneliness, self-esteem, and problems one might have with sleeping or eating. Just building with intentionality for your singleness will help you in those moments of feeling very down. 

Topic 2: Getting to know you 

Research shows that when you are single you have the opportunity to get to know yourself through reflection which will provide growth. This is due to the time you have to spend with yourself. 

Getting to know yourself helps you to learn to love yourself first and to overcome a fear of being single, because you’ve learned to love your own company. This is because you learn how great of a person you are and you do not every need a partner for your life to be worthwhile. There is a prize in spending time by yourself and learning to love who you are. 

It is important to pause between relationships and not just jump from one relationship to the next without leaving room to reflect and grow. While you are single you are given an opportunity to analyze your behavior and interest to develop a better understanding of you. 

While being single you have a chance to develop hobbies that you want to immerse yourself in and learn, because you have the freedom to decided what you are going to do with all your free time. 

In the stage of singleness, you are able to reflect on past relationships and come to a point to look at them with an objective lens of what went wrong and how you can avoid the same mistakes from you. 

In the stage of singleness, you gain a deeper understanding of your own emotional and social needs, because you haven’t had a partnership right there. 

You have the prime opportunity to get to know your own health with the chance to focus on your time for exercise, because your exercise routine doesn’t have to accommodate another person. You can balance your food intake better because often times date fun foods involve heavier calories. 

Being single helps you to see what you need in life now and later. 

In this opportunity to being single you can find it as a place to have familiar situation and context to foster reconceptualization, self-examination, and have terms to change. This is an opportunity to find the best version of you. 

The research shows that someone who is single has a higher sense of self-determination and is likely to continue personal development and growth than a married individuals – this can be a habit that you create in your singleness that will follow into marriage. 

Topic 3: Preparing to be a partner 

Are you on a rebound? Science suggested you do not need a rebound relationship to reflect on yourself. Repetition compulsion is a psychological phenomenon that causes someone to jump into a new relationship with possible the wrong person to help ease the pain. This term was coined in 1914 by Sigmund Freud and has been research and interpretation that have come through modern day research. There was research that done through some undergrade student who had broken up recently and the ones that had chosen to stay single verses jumping into a new relationship saw more personal growth. This is because it allows you the time to heal and learn from your past as an opportunity to grow. 

Remember that building and investing in a relationship is a major investment. They can be very time-consuming and leaving you very little room with what you have to offer others. 

Within relationships you do have to be ready for compromise and adjusting to a partner’s needs

When a relationship comes to an end it can be painful with a breakup. 

Often people stay in unhappy relationship because they are scared to be alone, while singleness does not imply that you are going to be lonely. 

While you are getting to know a partner, your familiar or friendships are going to end up taking a backseat. Because you might miss a family vacation or holiday in trying to build a bond with your new partner. 

Building a partnership can be great but is going to come with some stressful moments such as lending your life with someone because there might be conflicts or compromise happening over small aspects. 

If one partnership ends there is no need for you to rush into another one, enjoy the moments of freedom and flexibility that are offered by being single. 


Call to action: If you are at a point in life that you are single learn to thrive in personal growth and development a sense of yourself to be able to find your intuition of self. 

Topic 1: Singleness facts
Topic 2: Getting to know you
Topic 3: Preparing to be a partner