Stacked Intent

Why an Experience as a Holiday Gift?

November 30, 2023 Becca Stackhouse-Morson Season 4 Episode 10
Why an Experience as a Holiday Gift?
Stacked Intent
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Stacked Intent
Why an Experience as a Holiday Gift?
Nov 30, 2023 Season 4 Episode 10
Becca Stackhouse-Morson

What makes you look back and think that was great? Is it a material gift or an experience gift? 


o   Brief Summary of objectives (3):

  •  Why do an experience as a holiday gift? 
  •  How to gift an experience 
  • Suggestions for experiences

 Today we are going to talk about a topic that has become popular in the last couple of years of giving the gift of experiences over material gifts. 

  • When you are giving gift, you can use the rule of five with something they want, something they need, something they wear, something they read, and something they don’t know they want. This can help with the overall gift giving throughout your household. 

Thank you for tuning into Stacked Intent to be authentically YOU! Be sure to leave a review and follow us on instagram.

Show Notes Transcript

What makes you look back and think that was great? Is it a material gift or an experience gift? 


o   Brief Summary of objectives (3):

  •  Why do an experience as a holiday gift? 
  •  How to gift an experience 
  • Suggestions for experiences

 Today we are going to talk about a topic that has become popular in the last couple of years of giving the gift of experiences over material gifts. 

  • When you are giving gift, you can use the rule of five with something they want, something they need, something they wear, something they read, and something they don’t know they want. This can help with the overall gift giving throughout your household. 

Thank you for tuning into Stacked Intent to be authentically YOU! Be sure to leave a review and follow us on instagram.

Why an experience as a holiday gift? 


What makes you look back and think that was great? Is it a material gift or an experience gift? 

 Introduction “Welcome to today’s episode where I am going drop tips on how you are going to be intentional with your gift giving through experiences. 

 Brief Summary of objectives (3):

  • Why do an experience as a holiday gift? 
  • How to gift an experience 
  • Suggestions for experiences

Today we are going to talk about a topic that has become popular in the last couple of years of giving the gift of experiences over material gifts. 

When you are giving gift, you can use the rule of five with something they want, something they need, something they wear, something they read, and something they don’t know they want. This can help with the overall gift giving throughout your household. 

Topic 1: Why do an experience as a holiday gift? 

  • When you are picking out an experience gift for someone you want to make sure it reflects the passion of the recipient’s passion. This is from your adventure-seeker, movie buff, to coffee lover, or sports fan. Just making sure you are aligning your experiences gifts with the persons of what they will enjoy or aligns with them. 
  • Experiences gifts can help create in lasting memories, reduction of clutter, adds personalization, quality time, and can help with health & well-being.
    •   Lasting memories are unique and unforgettable moments in time for the person you are giving the experiences to. 
    • Can help in reduction of adding clutter to someone’s household through the holidays! Unlike physical items, experiences do not add clutter to the house. 
    • Personalization helps show the recipient of a thoughtfulness and consideration, because you really must know the person truly that you are planning this trip for. These experience gifts aren’t a one-size fits all and it takes a very specific approach. 
    •   The unique aspect of giving the gift of an experience is that it can lead to quality time for a family, friends, or whomever gets to partake in. This could be shared activities or adventures. This creates opportunities for bonding, communications, and creating those lasting memories. 
    •  Usually experience gifts are so carefully designed to prioritize the recipient and overall, their well-being. 
  • Research shows that most people don’t care about the gifts, but rather an experience. In this study 25 – 34 age group which was 66% would rather have an experiential gift over a tangible item. 

Topic 2: How to gift an experience 

  • You can always arrange it yourself and buy the gift beforehand to gift to the recipient. You might need help in knowing the recipient’s schedule before booking the experience. 
  • You can start your experience gift off with a scavenger hunt with clues and special location clues. 
  • Wrap a voucher within a large box! 
  • You could gift them something they are able to use on their experience, a tasty treat that goes along with the location, you can create a  message, or get creative with giving your experience gift. 
  • If you purchase tickets, you can always print them out and wrap them on up like you would any other gift. 
  • If you create your own experiences like an art box, movie night, pampering gift, cooking kit… are something that you can create as an experiences gift. 
  • You can create a puzzle for them to put together. 


 Topic 3: Suggestions for experiences 

  • If you have a outdoorsy person in your life you can get them an annual state or national park pass
  •  If you have child or family member that loves art, you can get them a membership to a local art museum.
  • Zoo Memberships, Children’s Museum Pass, Aquariums Memberships – because think about it this can be for the whole family to be involved with learn and enjoy. 
  • Buy a summer camp spot for the kiddos in your life, just make sure you pass this with parents first if you are gifting it. 
  • If you have friends or a sister with kids offer them babysitting for them to have a half a day or an overnight to have fun. 
  • You can write a thoughtful letter to a loved one as an appreciation gift. 
  • Amusement or theme park tickets that are one time or it can be an annual pass. 
  •  A day at the zoo with a kid
  • Book a cooking class that’s kid friendly and make it a family event. 
  • Might be able to buy a voucher for a fun indoor activity. 
  •  Concert Tickets 
  • Help them set up a wine or beer tasting at a local brewery or winery. 
  • Book them a spa day. 
  • Take a friend out for brunch, lunch, or dinner. Plan a time to take them out and enjoy each other. 
  • Learn a craft – glass blowing, wood working, ceramics, knitting, sewing, crocheting, or pottery. 
  • Go to a local restaurant, movie, top golf, bowling, ice skating, roller skating, go to an escape room, axe throwing, or go skiing.
  • Hire a personal stylist to help a loved one make the most of their closet. 
  • Set up a family photo shoot, by making it to remember. 
  •  Plan a trip. Just make sure everyone is on the same page. 
  •  Give the gift of coffee or tea. A couple of years ago I decided to start giving my Daddy the gift of coffees from coffee shops I traveled to throughout the year, so each time I went to a new coffee shop I grab him a bag of coffee. This gift has continued for years, and I love collecting the coffees for him throughout the year. 
  • Plan a board game night.


What makes you look back and think that was great? Is it a material gift or an experience gift? 

Now that I have given you reasons and suggestions let me share a few experiences gift I can recall. 

·      Last year we gave my niece a trip to the aquarium for Christmas and we took her to explore the Atlanta aquarium this last year and it was such an amazing and fun experiences! She had a blast, and we had a blast getting to explore through all the aquarium had to offer. 

·      The year of my 25th birthday a friend of mine and I went to explore the west coast from Las Angles, San Diego, La Jolla and so much more we had such a blast and spend to much time laughing and talking and on for her/my sister birthday we went to San Fran and Napa Valley we got to go in a hot air balloon and I planned a massage for them. These trips are such fun memories. 

·      One year my sister and I went on a lighthouse tour through six lighthouses as a road trip for her birthday. 

·      Scuba Diving was given to me one year to be able to enjoy for years to come! 

Challenge: Think about your Christmas shopping list and take two names to gift an experience to this year.