Stacked Intent

Women's Hormone, Gut & Metabolism during the Holidays

November 23, 2023 Becca Stackhouse-Morson Season 4 Episode 9
Women's Hormone, Gut & Metabolism during the Holidays
Stacked Intent
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Stacked Intent
Women's Hormone, Gut & Metabolism during the Holidays
Nov 23, 2023 Season 4 Episode 9
Becca Stackhouse-Morson
  • Brief Summary of objectives (3):
    • How the Holidays Can Affect your Gut, Hormones and Metabolism (but it doesn’t have to be that way) 
    • The Holidays are the Perfect Time to Start Prepping for your 2024 Goals. 
    • How to Support yourself During the Holidays 

Call to action: Easiest just writing down your game plan and making it tangible and keeping it at the in front of you. 

Thank you for tuning into Stacked Intent to be authentically YOU! Be sure to leave a review and follow us on instagram.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers
  • Brief Summary of objectives (3):
    • How the Holidays Can Affect your Gut, Hormones and Metabolism (but it doesn’t have to be that way) 
    • The Holidays are the Perfect Time to Start Prepping for your 2024 Goals. 
    • How to Support yourself During the Holidays 

Call to action: Easiest just writing down your game plan and making it tangible and keeping it at the in front of you. 

Thank you for tuning into Stacked Intent to be authentically YOU! Be sure to leave a review and follow us on instagram.

Topic 1: How the Holidays Can Affect your Gut, Hormones and Metabolism (but it doesn’t have to be that way)

Point 1: Types of Stressors 

  • More social events of what it looks like for you. 
  • Financial stress, 
  • Emotional Stressors 
  • Stress of seeing family

Point 2: Metabolism- many times people fear the holidays due to fear around specific foods.

  • Trying to avoid specific foods (favorite holiday cookie) only to end up bingeing on these foods when they do eat them = weight gain
  •  More food > More Sweets > More 
  • Best advice: Let yourself have it! Do what feels good. Eat part of it now and having it later. 
  • Keep your meals balanced. Protein, Fruit and then what feels good in that moment. 
  • Healthy Recipes to prepare for the holidays. 
    • Personal Favorite: Greek Yogurt Green Bean Casual 
    • Google healthy version of your XYZ recipe. 

Point 3: Gut- increase stress = sometimes reduced Digestive capacity, leaky gut, food intolerances (long term work on these to help. Through a process to clean the gut up), reduced HCL = less absorption of your food (naturally through deep breath that are belly). Even just eating in a stressed state has negative consequences. 

  • Be sure to choose your food well, before you sallow. 

Point 4: Hormone wise- long term stress can drive up cortisol, deplete progesterone. Drive up estrogen (reduced), reduce thyroid function. 

  • See the short term, which isn’t as concerning. 
  • The role of your thyroid.

Topic 2: The Holidays are the Perfect Time to Start Prepping for your 2024 Goals. 

  • Point 1: Getting rid of the all or nothing mindset so you’re not having to start over in the new year 
    • It is a great time to shift away from doing it all. The holidays of weight gain is because of the not caring at all instead of practicing a maintenances. 
  • Point 2: Metabolism specific- many ladies that come to me initially are undereating (unknowingly) so the holidays allow for time to optimize metabolism by increasing caloric intake = less stress around food and more opportunities for variety. Can discuss reverse dieting to optimize metabolism. Explain why undereating long term is detrimental and why I don’t recommend dieting when you’ve been undereating for a long time. 
  • Point 3: Hormones/Gut- it takes about 3 months for your egg to develop- so if you start now, you’re likely to see improvements in your cycles and hormones by early 2024. With gut health, many of my clients go through gut protocols which take 3-4 months typically to complete depending on the case. 

Topic 3: How to Support yourself During the Holidays

  • Point 1: Stress- determine what is important to YOU- write it down. Makes it more tangible. Instead of focusing on others’ expectations, tune into what you truly want and do that. 
    • Attend all the social events and parties.
    • Do you want to cook every meal or order out some? 
    • List of what you want, should be, and what you do need to do. 
  • Point 2: Support metabolism by eating enough, enjoying your food, and also incorporating minerals if this is an extra stressful time of the year for you (minerals are the first to be used up during the stress response). You can swap out alcohol for a mineral mocktail. 
    • Great time to slowly increase your intake through the holidays.
    • Recommendation for individuals daily. Include more mineral (4 ounces OJ & Coconut water and Salt) includes vitamin C, potassium, and good source of sodium. 
    • Full Script ordering subscriptions of supplements 
  • Point 3: Pick your non-negotiables and stick to them. It’s okay if things don’t look as they normally would during the rest of the year, in reality, the holidays are only a small blip out of the entire year. 
    • Encourage for the holidays what are two or three things that help you in your status. 
    • Water goal? Protein you are eating. Morning walk before things get busy. Make sure they are realistic and simple, not trying to do something new. 


  • How the Holidays Can Affect your Gut, Hormones and Metabolism (but it doesn’t have to be that way) 
  • The Holidays are the Perfect Time to Start Prepping for your 2024 Goals. 
  • How to Support yourself During the Holidays 

Call to action: Easiest just writing down your game plan and making it tangible and keeping it at the in front of you. 


Introduction: Carolyn Krueskamp
How the Holidays Can Affect your Gut, Hormones and Metabolism
Greek Yogurt Green Bean Casserole
The Holidays are the Perfect Time to Start Prepping for your 2024 Goals.
How to Support yourself During the Holidays